These French-style carved armchairs, Hunting chairs, are a sophisticated addition to your stylish room to transform it into a place for the feast. They have got a solid wood construction and beautiful details. Each chair features fluted legs, a carved frame, and sturdy stretchers with twisted shapes. The chairs are painted white, and chair arms in translucent and white lucite are added to turn them into the contemporary art of work.
Arm Chair's earlier seat and back has been modified by replacing it with a custom translucent and white lucite.
FYI: Lucite is higher grade acrylic plastic it is hard, water-resistant, and lightweight. Lucite was created in the mid 1800s and was finally patented and branded “Plexiglas” in 1933.
One- of- A- Kind, 19th Century,
Material: Translucent lucite, white, clear, and painted wood in white.
French style Armchairs, Hunting Chairs, Set of two
Please Note: DWM | MALOOS offers net price for all designers.